
Empowering young innovators in technology and enlightening societies


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BootCamp Program

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Career Programmes

Web development
App development
Creative writing
Video creation
Computer Appreciation
Data Sceince
Graphics Design
Software Engineering
Digital Finance
Games development

Why KITP'023 Program for your Kid?

Hands-On Learning Experience

Engage your child in a practical and hands-on learning experience, where they will explore the fascinating world of technology through exciting projects and activities.

Experienced Mentors and Educators

Our program is led by experienced mentors and educators who are passionate about empowering young minds with the skills needed for future success in the tech industry.

Inclusive Age Group (12-19)

Join a vibrant community of aspiring young innovators, where your child can connect and learn with peers who share a common interest in technology.

Comprehensive Curriculum

Our curriculum covers a wide range of tech skills, including web development, app development, game design, graphic design, and more. Your child can explore different career paths and discover their passion.

STEM Skill Development

Prepare your child for a tech-driven future by fostering their skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Our program nurtures critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

Interactive and Engaging Sessions

Experience interactive and engaging sessions that make learning enjoyable and encourage your child's active participation and exploration.

Career Guidance

Our program offers valuable career guidance and counseling to help your child navigate the tech industry, discover their interests, and make informed decisions about their future.

Safe and Supportive Environment

We prioritize the safety and well-being of our participants, ensuring a supportive learning environment where your child can thrive and grow.

Guest Speakers and Industry Experts

Your child will have the opportunity to learn from guest speakers and industry experts who will share their insights and inspire them to dream big.

Certificate of Completion

At the end of the program, your child will receive a certificate of completion, recognizing their achievements and newly acquired tech skills.

Opportunity for Growth and Networking

Our program offers a platform for your child's personal growth and the chance to network with like-minded individuals, fostering creativity, collaboration, and innovation.

Limited Slots Available

Register your child now to secure a spot in our limited slots. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity for their tech journey!

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